A musical perspective on the year that was 2010.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Top 20 Tracks of the Year

Those of you who know me, know that I'm a big believer in albums being the best way to enjoy and appreciate good music. But without great tracks you can't have a great album. So here are 10 of my favourite songs of the year. I will post a further 10 tomorrow. These have not been ranked in any order.

Sufjan Stevens - From the Mouth of Gabriel

I've never really been much of a Sufjan fan. I've always admired his talent and passion for music and art but his brand of music seemed quite inaccessible to me. But this so-called "EP" opened the door for me to his beautiful music. This track was a true stand out, I might not connect with it spiritually like others but I do feel the serenity in his voice.

Gaslight Anthem - American Slang

So American. So very very American. This song reeks of a Mid-Western Burger joint filled with college kids. The accent on the vocals has me seeing stars and stripes but instead of being the generic patriotic voice we are all so used to, this is a voice questioning his great country. I can see why The Boss loves them so much.

Janelle Monae - Tightrope

Every year I stumble across half a dozen or so songs that have taken me by surprise. This year that list includes Tightrope, a r'n'b track with a difference. It has noteworthy arrangement (will.i.am could learn a thing or two here), sweet vocals and catchy as anything! Big Boi does a pretty cool guest spot here too.

Cloud Control - The Rolling Stone

This song has everything an indie song should have. This band has everything an indie band should have. Arrhghghghghhh but what does "indie" even mean these days! I honestly don't know. All I know is that this is an awesome song and I love it!

Broken Bells - The Ghost Inside

Is there a bigger Beatles fan out there than DangerMouse? The man behind the Grey Album (mash up of Beatles and Jay-Z) teamed up with James Mercer to make an album that I can only listen to halfway through before feeling the urge to put on some Beatles. The Ghost Inside isn't the best example of the resemblance, which might be why I like this song so much.

Crystal Castles - Baptism

I don't know what to say about this song. So just listen for yourself and enjoy.

Crystal Castles - Baptism by sinasohrab

Angus + Julia Stone - Yellow Brick Road

One of the most common and most banal criticisms I hear of A+J Stone is that they are "boring" and in a way those people are right, the sibling's music is a little boring. But I don't see it that way, I see it as rewarding patience and that's exactly what this song does. It might send you into a coma the first time but after a while it really grows on you and it is easy to appreciate it's beauty.

The Drums - Forever and Ever Amen

I've had the pleasure of following this band right from the very beginning when they had recorded only a handful including that wonderful piece of surf pop Lets Go Surfing. Thankfully they didn't let me down with their debut album and this was one the finest moments on it. If this was Melody Writing 101 this lot would most certainly walk away with a High Distinction.

Kanye West - Monster

I know I said this list has no order or ranking but if I was to choose my favourite song of the year, this would be it. It is a truly epic song with verses from Kanye, Jay-Z, Nicky Minaj and Bon Iver. Each verse is unique and highly effective. This track also does something most "epic" songs don't do, that is pay attention to the intricacies of the song. It's those little things that make a song enjoyable the 67th time you hear it.

Jonsi - Animal Arithmetic

If this song doesn't make you smile you are dead inside. That is all I have to say.

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